UEC's Engines were Used to Lift off a Launch Vehicle Carryin
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UEC's Engines were Used to Lift off a Launch Vehicle Carrying the Resurs-P Satellite

The satellite is designed for remote sensing of Earth, and regional and local monitoring of the Earth's surface

The RD-107A/RD-108A rocket engines produced by the Samara-based facility of United Engine Corporation ensured a successful launch of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Resurs-P Earth remote sensing spacecraft No.5 has been carried into orbit.

The Soyuz-2.1b with the Fregat booster and Resurs-P Earth remote sensing spacecraft No.5 was launched on 25 December at 10:45am Moscow time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The RD-107A/RD-108A engines installed on stages I and II of the launch vehicle worked properly.

“UEC-Kuznetsov service center personnel, who are responsible for power unit operation control during all launches, installed and tested the engine support systems.

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“The Resurs-P is a Russian satellite series designed for remote sensing of Earth, and regional and local monitoring of the Earth’s surface. Data acquired by the Resurs-P satellite is used for natural resource exploration, pollution and environmental degradation monitoring, and monitoring of water conservation areas and nature reserves.

Dec 26, 2024