Anduril Industries welcomes the White House memorandum on advancing U.S. leadership in artificial intelligence. The memorandum is a warning that failure to act with “responsible speed” on AI will see the U.S. lose ground to strategic competitors like China with profound implications for our national security, economic prosperity, and democratic principles. Such an outcome is unacceptable. AI’s exponential growth trajectory means that if the United States ever falls behind in AI, it may never be able to recover. The United States is ahead on AI, and it must stay ahead.
Leading the world on AI will require the next president to build on last week’s memorandum, as well as recent legislation, by leading a large scale mobilization of public- and private-sector talent, infrastructure, and resources to advance AI development and deployment for national security missions. Our objective should be clear: the United States will cement our lead in AI by the end of this decade and sustain that advantage through the end of this century.
Innovation from the U.S. private sector will remain indispensable to this effort. And we must avoid burdensome regulation or other barriers that would imperil it. But there is a clear role for government in setting mission priorities for AI applications, providing secure data access, removing government obstacles to domestic energy production and infrastructure improvements, fostering global cooperation with key allies and partners, defending AI advancements with the best cybersecurity and counterintelligence, driving adoption of AI capabilities by the Department of Defense and the intelligence community, establishing pragmatic principles for AI safety and ethics, and ensuring oversight and accountability that are vital to earning the trust of the American people.
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Download free sample pages More informationOnly with the public and private sectors working together in the spirit of urgency, ambition, and imagination can the United States stay ahead of our adversaries and maintain global leadership on AI. The race for AI is already underway. It is time for the United States to mobilize, lead, and win.