Exploring Next Generation Hypersonic Weapons Efforts From Across The Military & Enabling Advancements Through Industry Partnerships
The Annual Hypersonic Weapons Summit is back for 2024!
US hypersonic weapons development has surged in the past decade. Significant investments continue, notably in programs like Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (HACM), Army Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), and Navy Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS). Recent Congressional budget allocations reflect this commitment, with $4.7 billion awarded in FY2023 and further funding in FY2024.
Successful testing of major programs brings hypersonic deployment closer for the US. However, technological and operational decisions remain before operational weapons can be fielded. Meeting the services' testing and fielding pace is challenging but crucial to the National Defense Strategy.
The Hypersonic Weapons Summit will provide a platform for the DoD, academia, and industry to come together to learn, share knowledge and ideas, and collaborate on how to overcome common challenges.
Senior representatives from major programs including the US Air Force, Navy, Army, DARPA, and the Missile Defense Agency, alongside perspectives from Allied programs, will provide a truly international outlook on hypersonic progress, challenges, and developments.
Why Attend Hypersonic Weapons Summit?
- Networking and discussions with major decision makers and budget holders, such as the US Navy, Airforce, Army and DARPA to develop professional relationships
- University expert and researcher expertise on key topics to assist in your program development and personal understanding
- Hear from counter hypersonics leaders on challenges and needs, and how industry is key to this crucial area of National Defense
- Comprehensive updates Program Managers of each hypersonic program, including Conventional Prompt Strike and HACM
- Insight into testing, infrastructure and future roadmaps to help align your programs, research and development
- Dr. Mark J. Lewis PhD, CEO, Purdue Applied Research Institute
2024 Speakers:
- Dr. James Weber PhD, Principal Director, Hypersonics, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
- John Hill, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Space and Missile Defense
- Walter Chai, Director of Space Sensors; Director of the Missile Integration and Operations Center, Missile Defense Agency
- Dr. Eric Marineau PhD, Program Officer, Hypersonics, Office of Naval Research
- Matthew Daugherty, Deputy Major Program Manager, Conventional Prompt Strike, Strike Program in Strategic Systems Programs, US Navy
- Jeffrey Boulware, Technical Director and Deputy Division Chief, Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff J8
- Colonel Alexander Rasmussen, Chief, Tracking Layer, Space Development Agency, US Space Force
- Lieutenant Colonel Jared Thompson, Chief, Global Strike Advanced Capabilities Integration, STRATCOMM
- Kegan Miller, Science and Technology Advanced Capabilities (STAC) Lead, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane), US Navy
- Dr. Jesse Maxwell, Head, Hypersonic Aerodynamics and Propulsion, Spacecraft Engineering Division, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), US Navy
- Jin Kim PhD, MBA, Deputy Director, Joint Hypersonics Transition Office (JHTO), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T))
- Geoff Wilson, Program Manager, Test & Evaluation / Science & Technology Program, Test Resource Management Center (TRMC), Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Daniel Marren, Hypersonic Advisor, Test Resource Management Center (TRMC), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD (R&E))
- Edwardo Freeman P.E., Mechanical Engineer, Agile Weapons Division, US Air Force
- Dr. Mark Benedict PhD, Senior Scientist, Advanced Manufacturing, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), US Air Force
- Dr. David Glass, Senior Researcher for Advanced Structural/Thermal Systems Research Directorate, NASA Langley Research Center
- Dr. Iain Boyd PhD, Director of the Center for National Security Initiatives and the H.T. Sears Memorial Professor of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Colonel Aaron Tucker, High Speed Systems Division Chief, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), US Air Force
- Dr. Carmen Carney, Hypersonics Key Initiative Lead, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, US Air Force
- Dr. Rodney Bowersox, Executive Director, University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH)