Airbus Helicopters to Support Securite Civile and Gendarmeri
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May 14, 2024

Airbus Helicopters to Support Securite Civile and Gendarmerie Nationale Helicopter Fleet

Airbus Helicopters and Babcock have been awarded a contract to support 48 EC145s operated by the French Ministry of Interior. The 12 year contract that starts this year was signed with the Direction de la Maintenance Aéronautique (DMAé), the organisation in charge of maintenance for aircraft operated by the French government.

“The Sécurité Civile and Gendarmerie Nationale play a key role in safeguarding our communities in France. We are proud to have signed this contract which demonstrates their confidence in us and strengthens our partnership," said Romain Trapp, Airbus Helicopters’ Executive Vice President Customer Support and Services. “We measure our responsibility in guaranteeing that their EC145s are available 24/7 for their critical missions.”

The contract covers the 33 EC145s operated by the Sécurité Civile and the 15 EC145s operated by the Gendarmerie air forces that are spread across 41 bases in France, including five bases in French overseas territories. The contract covers technical support (including industry technical representatives working on site), supply of spare parts, logistics solutions (transport of spares and stock management), technical data management and software support.

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Airbus Helicopters and Bacock will ensure that the Sécurité Civile and Gendarmerie EC145s are available for their critical missions serving the French population. Securité Civile and Gendarmerie EC145s are used for search and rescue, emergency medical services and fire fighting missions. The Gendarmerie EC145s are also engaged in law enforcement operations.

Airbus is also committed to the renewal of the Sécurité Civile and Gendarmerie’s fleet of helicopters. Sécurité Civile already operates four new H145s ordered in 2021, which are also supported by Airbus Helicopters and Babcock. In late 2023, a contract was signed for 42 H145s for the French Ministry of Interior (36 for the Sécurité Civile and six for the Gendarmerie). Aircraft deliveries  will start in 2024.

Airbus Helicopters
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