Anduril Selected for USAF Collaborative Combat Aircraft Prog
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Apr 25, 2024

Anduril Selected for USAF Collaborative Combat Aircraft Program

Today, the United States Air Force announced that Anduril has been selected as one of two vendors to move forward on the Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) program. Over the next phase, Anduril will design, manufacture, and test production-representative CCAs.

“There is no time to waste on business as usual. With the CCA program, Secretary Kendall and the Air Force have embraced a fast-moving, forward-looking approach to field autonomous systems at speed and scale,” said Brian Schimpf, CEO and Co-Founder. “We are honored to be selected for this unprecedented opportunity, which signals a demand for continued expansion of the defense industrial base. Anduril is proud to pave the way for other non-traditional defense companies to compete and deliver on large scale programs.”

“Anduril’s work on this program is just beginning,” said Jason Levin, Senior Vice President of Anduril’s Air Dominance & Strike Division. “U.S. and allied success in the future requires CCAs to be delivered at a speed, cost, and scale to beat the pacing threat. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the U.S. Air Force to deliver this critical capability to our Airmen as quickly as possible.”

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Autonomy and affordable mass have been central tenets of Anduril’s approach since the company’s founding in 2017. Anduril is committed to transforming US and allied defense capabilities by combining modern software expertise with a rapid and differentiated approach to hardware development and manufacturing. From cutting-edge counter drone systems to extra-large autonomous underwater vehicles, Anduril has proven it can deliver highly-performant, next-generation, software-defined capabilities on a timeline and scale that matters.

Anduril Industries
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