New American-Made Lightweight Professional Drone for Inspect
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New American-Made Lightweight Professional Drone for Inspections and ISR

  • Skyfish's new Osprey enterprise drone will showcase at AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2024

American drone maker Skyfish will unveil Osprey, at XPONENTIAL Booth 4350, a new survey-grade, enterprise drone that fits in a backpack.

Purpose built for infrastructure inspection and ISR, Osprey supports best-in-class, compact third-party sensors such as the new Sony LR1 61 megapixel camera for inspection and photogrammetry and NextVision’s Raptor for ISR.

The Osprey is easily portable at ~14 lbs all up weight and features flight times of up to 60 minutes, a radio range of 3 to 5 miles, collision avoidance, automated in-flight geotagging of frame synchronous data, and RTK for cm grade location accuracy. It is made in the USA, NDAA compliant, Green UAS in process and Army DEVCOM certified Airworthiness Level 3.

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Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

Market forecasts by Region, Class, Type, and End-User. Country Analysis, Market and Technology Overview. Opportunities Analysis, and Leading Company Profiles

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For detailed infrastructure inspection, Skyfish creates very precise 3D models, or digital twins, that engineers can trust. Customer use cases include the inspection, precise measurement, and analysis of infrastructure including cellular towers, bridges, roadways, wind turbines, airports, power lines, specialized land use management and more. The Skyfish 3D/digital-twin models are crystal clear, measurable, and accurate to within 1/32 of an inch. For law enforcement and defense, Osprey supports the NextVision Raptor EO/IR sensor with incredible X80 EO zoom and significant IR range.

“To give customers exceptional performance, Osprey was designed to be lightweight, fly up to an hour, record an exact location, and support best-in-class industry sensors for either infrastructure inspection, or ISR.” says Dr. Orest Pilskalns, CEO of Skyfish.

Apr 17, 2024