F126 Milestone - Successful FAT for German Navy Radar Traini
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Apr 3, 2024

F126 Milestone - Successful FAT for German Navy Radar Training Simulator

  • RADAR training simulator destined for delivery to the Federal German Navy's (FGN) Marinetechnik Schule (MTS)
  • Part of a comprehensive Integrated Bridge Management System (IBMS) for the F126 frigate program
  • Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) was conducted in conjunction with the Damen Naval team
  • F126 is one of four OSI programs for the German Navy

OSI Maritime Systems is pleased to announce the successful completion of the FAT for the Radar training simulator to be installed at the Marinetechnik Schule (Naval Engineering School).

Through Damen Naval, OSI is providing a comprehensive navigation suite for the German Navy F126 program. The delivery consists of Integrated Bridge Management Systems (IBMS) for the 4 frigates and the various land-based test and training sites, all powered by ECPINS, OSI’s leading WECDIS solution.

Over three days, the FAT involved the Damen and OSI teams working together to audit the system testing at OSI’s Canadian production labs.

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Ken Kirkpatrick, President and CEO, OSI, emphasized the significance of the FAT within the project cycle, “The FAT serves as a crucial milestone, providing definitive proof of concept before the system leaves OSI’s production labs.” He further added, “The collaborative efforts of OSI, Damen, and Thales have culminated in over a year of engineering, laying the foundation for the F126 Integrated Bridge Management System.”

As an integral component of this initiative, OSI’s IBMS will be integrated with the Thales TACTICOS Combat Management System, providing the Position Navigation and Time (PNT) for all F126 systems and networks.

The F126 frigate IBMS program, alongside the K130 and RadEA navigation suite upgrade projects and the high-speed tactical navigation suites for the F126 Einsatzboote (small craft), form four major FGN programs OSI is currently delivering for. Leveraging ECPINS’ commonality, scalability, and navigation performance, the vast majority of the German Navy fleet will be equipped with OSI’s IBMS and ECPINS solutions in the upcoming years.

Jon Nicholson, Vice President of Systems Delivery, OSI, emphasized the collaborative nature of the F126 project, stating, “The successful FAT highlights the strong relationship between OSI and Damen and the underlying F126 IBMS delivery demonstrates the shared commitment — it’s truly ‘Unser gemeinsames Ziel’ (Our common goal).”

OSI Maritime Systems
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