MBDA's Sea Ceptor to protect Poland's Miecznik frigates
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Jan 15, 2024

MBDA's Sea Ceptor to protect Poland's Miecznik frigates

MBDA has been awarded a contract by Poland to equip the Polish Navy’s three new Miecznik-class frigates with MBDA’s Sea Ceptor naval air defence system.

Sea Ceptor is a latest generation naval air defence system that protects naval vessels and consorts from modern air and surface threats, such as supersonic anti-ship missiles and unmanned surface vessels.

The contract builds upon a series of strategic agreements between MBDA and Poland around MBDA’s CAMM family of air defence missiles. Poland will take advantage of the interoperability of CAMM, designed specifically for both land and maritime domains, by utilising its already procured CAMM missiles stockpiles to equip Miecznik. CAMM will be efficiently installed on board with a quadpacking solution in Mk41 VLS (Vertical Launching System) enabling a high load-out and increasing platform survivability.

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MBDA is working with PGZ to create a sovereign missile capability in Poland through the NAREW programme backed by unprecedented transfer of knowledge and technology from MBDA. The use of the CAMM family for PILICA+, NAREW and MIECZNIK programmes will drive significant efficiencies for Poland while boosting Polish industry and providing high-skilled jobs. The contract for Miecznik further demonstrates the strategic relationship between MBDA and PGZ, which includes also joint work on a future medium range CAMM missile, and the strength of the UK-Polish defence co-operation.

Many militaries worldwide have chosen to rely on the CAMM family for latest generation naval and ground based air defence, including Poland, as well as the UK, Italy, Canada, Brazil, and more recently Sweden.

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