Saab receives order for studies of future underwater capabil
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Dec 5, 2023

Saab receives order for studies of future underwater capabilities for Sweden

Saab has signed a contract with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV, to conduct concept development studies for future underwater capabilities.

The studies are preparatory in nature and will focus on the further development of key technology areas, as well as new technologies for submarines and submarine-related capabilities for Sweden.

Sweden has a long history of evolutionary submarine design and technology development by refining and adding new technologies to already existing solutions through an iterative development process.

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“Underwater capabilities are of vital interest for Sweden. Saab’s submarines are among the most modern conventional submarines in the world and a key capability for Sweden. These studies will help ensure that we stay in the forefront of innovation and technological development for years to come”, says Mats Wicksell, Senior Vice President and Head of Saab’s Business Area Kockums.