Anduril Industries Awarded GBP17M MoD Force Protection Techn
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Oct 31, 2023

Anduril Industries Awarded GBP17M MoD Force Protection Technology Contract

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded defense technology company Anduril Industries a 31-month contract, initially worth £17 million, to explore future capabilities for fixed installation Force Protection and Counter Intrusion, and Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems for the Royal Air Force and Strategic Command on Permanent Joint Operating Bases (PJOBs).

The £17 million contract, with the potential to rise to £24 million, represents the third phase of Programme TALOS, Anduril’s engagement with jHub - the MoD and Strategic Command’s joint innovation team - which connects world-class technology and talent with users across UK Defence. Programme TALOS aims to accelerate a defence-wide approach to Integrated Command and Control (C2) for Force Protection.

Anduril’s Lattice software platform leverages advancements in key technologies such as autonomy, edge processing, big data and AI to a degree where it is possible to fundamentally reimagine Defence’s approach to C2. The ability to harness machine-speed in decision-making and support; integrate all defence-wide platforms, sensors, and effectors into a single network; and use distributed and resilient systems capable of operating under machine control will have far-reaching implications for the UK’s Defence capability.

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Phase 3 of Programme TALOS – ENTRELAZAR will experiment and explore advancements in these key technologies that could inform decisions on the integration of future capabilities into defence-wide platforms. Phase 1 of Programme TALOS delivered an initial understanding of Anduril’s autonomous Sentry Towers and their utility at active RAF air bases, and Phase 2 introduced the assurance of multiple Force Protection layers at multiple locations across the MOD estate.

This contract focuses on continuing the capability layering in Phase 2 and informing the requirements across multiple MoD sites. It will progress and expand experimentation with mature integrated technologies, and enable further understanding of the various options available in the wider C2 network that can provide end-to-end solutions.

Greg Kausner, Anduril’s Head of Global Defense, said: “The contract with jHub will allow Anduril to expedite modern defence technology and robustly support UK Defence, and represents an advancement of our relationship with the MoD. Force Protection and Counter Intrusion are increasingly important as the nature of threats expand, and Anduril’s Lattice platform can play a key role. Our objective is to meet the specific requirements of armed forces to best shape the future of defence with advanced, modern technology; to do this, working with partners like jHub is key.”

Lieutenant Colonel Dan Sawyers, Head of the jHub, Strategic Command, said: “Technology within Defence is rapidly advancing, and we must harness these changes to respond to a more contested and volatile world.

“Phase 3 of this programme will see us continue to innovate, utilising technology to d protect the UK and our allies anytime and anywhere.”

Anduril Industries
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