1st Batch of New Patria's Six-wheeled Vehicles Handed Over t
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Oct 30, 2023

1st Batch of New Patria's Six-wheeled Vehicles Handed Over to the Swedish Armed Forces

The Swedish Army has officially received the first batch of new Patria's six-wheeled armoured vehicles, in Sweden called Pansarterrängbil 300. The vehicles, which were manufactured in Finland, will be part of the current expansion of Swedish Armed Forces.

These Patria 6x6 armoured vehicles will be based at Livgardet regiment in Kungsängen, near Stockholm and further south in Sweden. An official hand-over ceremony marking the delivery took place at Ground Combat School in Kvarn on 26 October, 2023.  

Apart from Sweden, Patria’s 6x6 solution is already in use in Finland and Latvia, and Germany has joined the Patria 6x6 -based Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) programme. These 6x6 deliveries further manifest that Sweden is one of the most important export markets for Patria.

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“We are glad to see the vehicles in operation on Swedish soil. Patria was able to fulfil the order extremely quickly, which shows the benefit of cross-border cooperation that is at the heart of the 6x6 the joint CAVS programme. Pansarterrängbil 300 which is manufactured in Finland, with significant contribution also from Swedish industry, is a prime example of the benefits of technical cooperation between countries,” says Mats Warstedt, Senior Vice President of Market Area Nordics at Patria.