Ground Test Batteries of Scaled Model Electric Aircraft Fail
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May 11, 2023

Ground Test Batteries of Scaled Model Electric Aircraft Failed

On Thursday evening, May 11, the DEP-SFD, a scaled unmanned aerial vehicle, caught fire. The emergency services were quickly on the scene. There is no personal injury.

The DEP-SFD (Distributed Electric Propulsion Scaled Flight Demonstrator) caught fire at the NLR parking lot in Amsterdam while conducting ground tests. NLR carries out this kind of necessary testing to make new technology available to aviation. As far as is known, there were no problems with the electrically powered aircraft when the crew started performing the tests.

The emergency services were quickly on the spot and extinguished the vehicle, removed the batteries and rendered them harmless. The aerial vehicle can be considered lost. There is no question of personal injury or other material damage, partly due to the risk assessment carried out in advance.

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We cannot say anything about the cause of the fire at this time. NLR will work with partners to find out the cause. As soon as there is more to report about the circumstances, we will post it here on the website.

NLR - Netherlands Aerospace Centre
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