Patria to Deliver Flight Inspection System Installation and
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This news is classified in: Aerospace Aviation Contracts Simulation / Training

Jan 9, 2024

Patria to Deliver Flight Inspection System Installation and Modification Packages to Fintraffic and STC for FINAA Embraer Phenom Aircraft

Patria has signed an agreement for the modification design and certification of a flight inspection system with Fintraffic Air Navigation Services Ltd. Patria delivers aircraft modification design and material kits that will be installed in two Finnish Aviation Academy (FINAA) owned Embraer EMB-500 Phenom 100 business jets. The delivery includes also EASA certification of the modification that is Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the aircraft type.

The modification work and test flight programme are implemented in tripartite collaboration between Patria, Fintraffic and FINAA. Operation with the new measurement system is scheduled to start in early 2025.

”The agreement further strengthens Patria’s capabilities in civil aircraft modifications and increases the company’s experience in modifications of fast pressurised jet aircraft. New and high-performance flight inspection system will offer efficient security of supply, maintenance and further development capability locally due to domestic implementation. We are able to be utilise Patria’s strong expertise and long experience in aviation industry which will significantly benefit the modification and installation design work,” says Mikko Viitaniemi, Senior Vice President, Joint & Security of Patria.

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Flight inspection is an important part of Fintraffic Air Navigation Services operations, as it ensures the safe and smooth services provided to customers and contributes to the continuity of air traffic.

"The equipment used in air navigation services is measured at specific intervals both from the air and the ground. The goal of measurements taken from the air is to ensure that the systems used in air navigation services operate as planned, and the information received by aircraft is accurate. With this agreement, we enhance operational reliability by adding additional capacity to the flight inspection operations. The collaboration of three domestic companies is also significant for Finland's security of supply,” as stated by Raine Luojus, CEO of Fintraffic Air Navigation Services.

“The measurement flight operations offers great opportunities for Finnish Aviation Academy to utilize its Embraer Phenom 100 (EMB-500) aircraft and professional flight instructors having long operational experience of flying the EMB-500 aircraft,“ says Juha Siivonen, Managing Director of Finnish Aviation Academy.

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